Tulima CityFarms

​A year-round haven in a shipping container, cultivating healthy, pesticide-free greens, irresistibly delicious from seed to harvest.

We operate Freight Farms 40-foot shipping containers that are fully climate controlled hydroponic systems. Plants grow in nutrient-rich water, allowing for 2.5-acres of production per container. Fully automated, pesticide-free, planet-friendly farming.

مزرعة متكاملة

Automated, seed to harvest, freshness delivered to table.

90% مياة أقل

Sustainability redefined: 20L weekly efficiency, no waste.

الطاقة الشمسية

Solar-powered, independent, eases strain on the grid.

Pesticide Free

100% safe—no pesticides, herbicides, or fungicides ever.

ما يعادل 2.5 فدان

Box harvests 2.5 acres: 4,000 lettuces monthly!

غير متأثر بالفصول

Year-round greenery with climate-control, no seasonal constraints.

قابلة للحركة

Portable and independent: Cultivating health and sustainability everywhere.

Top Nutrition

Fresh, safe, year-round produce—peak health, retained flavor.


سيتي فارم

نعتمد أحدث تقنيات الزراعة . نتحكم في مناخ النمو والزراعة المائية بالكامل، وذلك بشكل تلقائي من خلال برامج ألية .

حاوية توليمة سيتي فارم